Develop Your Team Members. Bob Reynolds, the former Vice Chairman of Fidelity, in an address to senior executives said, "I see it as a failure of our company when we need to hire leaders from outside." It was a message to all of us in the room that part of our job was developing the next generation of leaders. As a leader, a big part of your job is doing exactly that. Block the time to do it!
Here is a five step process you can follow with your team members to begin the leadership development process.
- Identify with each person their strengths, and one specific area for improvement.
- Look for assignments that will leverage the strengths and help stretch the improvement opportunity.
- Help them find the right resources to support those areas -- training, articles, other mentors.
- Be a coaching leader. Provide timely positive and constructive feedback, be supportive, and spend time with them to encourage their growth.
- Monitor by discussing progress in your 1:1s and observing yourself.
Develop Yourself. "Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth." -- Jim Rohn.
So here is a process you can follow to work on your own self development:
- Clarify and fully understand the organization objectives so that whatever you do aligns with those objectives.
- Gather information. Ask for feedback (manager, peers, associates) on what is going well, and what you can do to improve.
- Based on the feedback, set 1-2 goals for improvement -- leverage your strengths, improve your weaknesses.
- Get a team in place that you can rely on to help you monitor progress on your own goals.
A good executive coach can help you with this process.
Don's Coaching Questions:
- How much time are you spending weekly on staff development?
- How much time do you spend relfecting and on personal development?
- How can you ask for feedback on how you are doing as a leader?